Friday, 26 December 2008
Monday, 22 December 2008
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Monday, 6 October 2008
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Thursday, 4 September 2008
mount hawke
basically i got the train to dorch tueday night with my 5 litre keg of heineken which by the way was a complete letdown! cunting thing leaked and it was 90% foam so didnt have much of it just left it for jacky baby. so ye got to dorch skate park to see jacks car being abused by him and all his farm friends, went to his watched big push and wasnt too impressed. max bruzz showed up looking like soulja boy with his joggers on i wish he cranked it. went to bed had to be quiet or jacks butcher step dad would got angry. the old boys food bandit
woke up at stupid oclock and those fucking idiots had showered and brushed their teeth! like why do it you tits. we hit up tesco quick for supplies i got me 2 litres of cola cause you know its good to wake you up and then we headed on the road to cornwall. car jpurney was all quiet till we got to ridport and i started giving the abuse out of the window mainly to school girls but you know me. i was getting well hyper and just talking non stop about pure shit and just doing everyones head in. max couldnt listen to one song all the way through hes a fucking song skipper. we stopped at some dirt bag service station where i had a meaty shit and got some of those chewable toothbrush things which are sick and washed my dirty face. hit the road again and got lost a few times down CUNTry lanes but got there eventually around 10ish or so. got in the park and it was pretty dead and i was skating shit ut wasnt bothered just fancied being a cunt all day which i succeded to do. hand fun on the manny pad/ tiny block and hurled abuse at anyone that fell over, usually EAT IT or just EAT SHIT.
had a little break from the park and went outside for a beer and a cheeky smoke whilst the weather was good and the owners of the parks dog wouldnt fuck off and jacked max for his crispsthe little cunt. we sat in jacks wagon for a bit and watched the new transworld on maxes ipod. jack was going wrong and we just gave him shit like stroking his hair and watching him spack out and i put some sellotape in his hair. we went back in the park and i dished out more shit to people and failed to perform but it was all fun, nothing really happened that was that exciting just people ripping really. so went to go home around 5ish or so and had to get some munch so went to a maccyds and the kid who served me was called fucking amadeus! i nearly cummed i was just hearing that falco song in the back of my head. he was a useless miserable cunt and my maccys was rank it wasnt greasy at all so i was devostated. took my milkshake back in the car. drove round truro shouting at people out the car for a while gave some kiddy shit for having jeans with like gold n silver patterns up the arse "nice jeans you cunt" and whaever. i was basically hyper and being a cunt for the first hourish then started falling asleep on and off and releasing some mean gas son! we dropped joeseph off in weymouth on the way back, hes a good lad he is. we nearly fucking crashed 10 minutes later but luckily we didnt cuase i dont wear seatbelts cause theyre not to my standard of comfort so crashng wont be fun. got to dorch got some boots from jacky for 25 notes whch is cool, said my goodbyes man hugs and whatnot. i got on the train just in time and was sleeping on and off the whole way. was awake to get in to bmouth luckily and then just went home.
if only i wrote that much when i was in school. i would of maybe passed something
Monday, 18 August 2008
Sunday, 10 August 2008
a couple weeks late

fucking best toilet ever, youd be fucked if you had to shit
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
i woke up to recieve a lovely parcel this morning
im a happy boy
the keyring that came with them is obviously better
oh yes, adam draper has a new belt
got this blueprint tee aswell, it was only 15 notes. wore it for a couple of hours and now its fucked already with dirt, beer, snot, sweat..you name it
went to town and got a new board. thoguht id jazz up the griptape though
you have to make the most out of a bad situation. the bad situation is having thousands of stickers in my house
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
work work work
may aswell just leave a link to one of my new favourite northern euro steezers
Monday, 16 June 2008
i skated saturday evening which was fun i actually didnt skate bad at all which was cool, we saw some chavvy girls arses one is now known as "the coon arse flasher". i went home drank a few stellas and eat a pizza.
sunday i worked in the morning and then went up the park to find it packed with bikes so went about with danny and ainsly for hill bombing and wallrides untill it shat down.
i only did this post because sam watmore said i should
ill leave with a link to the brand spanking digital video. kurt winters section is reiculous, i duuno how those aussies do it
Monday, 9 June 2008
walking round vieux lille was like corination street or some shit
thats what we want to see
this guy was bombing around in spandex shorts. fanny magnet
the city square, if you look at this statue from the right side of the square it looks like the sword is a fat cock
this building was pretty cool, looks real imprtant but i think it was like a lacoste shop on one floor and some other expensive shit on the 2nd floor
some salvation army shit i guess. the guys had guns and trumpets
sick park, fucking dirt location. ghetto as it gets
trying to skate. it was like 930 on a sunday though
the place was fucking covered in graff
the kinda shit that ends up on myspace
crip walking? breakdancing? youre guess is as good as mine
something historic i think, i just kinda took a picture for the shits and giggles
some cool bank spot outside the polish embassy i think, sometihng to do with polskies
that pineapple drink is tooo good. i could live on that
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Monday, 2 June 2008
just stuff

that place with fresh pop and new square ones will be amazing.
a fair ammount of people i know are stressing over exams whether its gcses or a levels i just wana wish you all good luck. i never bothered with exams so i dont know what the exams stress feels like
finally big shout out to my brother and boyce who are off to brazil tommorow for 3 months and hope you have a sick time and come back with some stories to tell. but not aids