Monday, 16 June 2008
i skated saturday evening which was fun i actually didnt skate bad at all which was cool, we saw some chavvy girls arses one is now known as "the coon arse flasher". i went home drank a few stellas and eat a pizza.
sunday i worked in the morning and then went up the park to find it packed with bikes so went about with danny and ainsly for hill bombing and wallrides untill it shat down.
i only did this post because sam watmore said i should
ill leave with a link to the brand spanking digital video. kurt winters section is reiculous, i duuno how those aussies do it
Monday, 9 June 2008
walking round vieux lille was like corination street or some shit
thats what we want to see
this guy was bombing around in spandex shorts. fanny magnet
the city square, if you look at this statue from the right side of the square it looks like the sword is a fat cock
this building was pretty cool, looks real imprtant but i think it was like a lacoste shop on one floor and some other expensive shit on the 2nd floor
some salvation army shit i guess. the guys had guns and trumpets
sick park, fucking dirt location. ghetto as it gets
trying to skate. it was like 930 on a sunday though
the place was fucking covered in graff
the kinda shit that ends up on myspace
crip walking? breakdancing? youre guess is as good as mine
something historic i think, i just kinda took a picture for the shits and giggles
some cool bank spot outside the polish embassy i think, sometihng to do with polskies
that pineapple drink is tooo good. i could live on that
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Monday, 2 June 2008
just stuff

that place with fresh pop and new square ones will be amazing.
a fair ammount of people i know are stressing over exams whether its gcses or a levels i just wana wish you all good luck. i never bothered with exams so i dont know what the exams stress feels like
finally big shout out to my brother and boyce who are off to brazil tommorow for 3 months and hope you have a sick time and come back with some stories to tell. but not aids
Sunday, 1 June 2008
brothers birthday/leaving bash

all part of his cage fighters diet

the lambs dead

whos that? is it?

Kriss Akabusi
yeah akabusi
which way to the beach?
akabusi needs some directions